we come together to address our community needs in respectful way where every individual clients should be engaged and given a chance to participate if necessary, Our organization has its very amazing strategic approach to engage our community and our partners for dignity and values of our organization and the society we serve.

Depending on  our programs maturity, immediate needs, and long -term goals, the organization is yield different results.

E.g. the help group is starting to reproduce spaces for small businesses, then united safe environment creators outline how the small business should earn more benefit to benefits our clients, community awareness is organized to market products, and how it benefits the customers. What services and impact given to our clients especially children, youths, women and vulnerable and the whole society in general?. we work with community for the community.

United Safe Environment Creators’ strategy is created by a highly skilled personnel, the organization strategist , who is knowledgeable in community development and community social work, community out reach, community engagement and situation analysis for needs, design different programs,  community experiences. these highlighted strategies have been elaborated to meet the the need of the community members.


The community member must understand and position themselves to use variety of techniques and tactics to use local resources and turn the threat into opportunities which will eliminate illiteracy and poverty meanwhile looking for durable solution to the identified problem.

According to our belief  and commitment, the elements mentioned below will enable our organization to accomplish its mission. it consists of the following:

  • Working with community, cultural, religious and influential leaders to minimize and limit practices influenced by norms and tradition.
  • Increase number of vocational centers for training programs in the camp meanwhile increasing the number of people who participate in the training.
  • Reduce or eliminate dependency among refugees and host community.
  • Reduce idleness, unemployment and increase number of workers placed in job.
  • Increase number of self help group involved in our activities.
  • Build empowered and interactive society where children and youth are engaged in family and society decision-making.
  • Create different youth clubs for development and sports.